For sale: 3-room apartment (8213-031)

Solom'yanskiy, Kyiv city
Strazhesko Ak.
3 room, 56 / 45 / 6 m2
1 108 800 грн. per object / 19 800 грн. per m2

Kvartira trebuet remonta. Chistyy pod ezd, uhozhennyy dvor. Ryadom s domom park, mnogo magazinov. Interesnoe predlozhenie. Vremya dlya prosmotra kvartiry - po dogovorennosti.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Type of the building: secondary market, total floor area: 56 sq.m. Living floor area - 45 sq.m., kitchen - 6 sq.m. Price information: forty-two thousanddollars. The property is situated: Strazhesko Ak., Solom'yanskiy, Kyiv city. This ad posted by realtor and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on sell apartments published 1579 days ago. Please report what you've found this ad at the real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you in advance.

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For sale:  3-room apartment - Стражеско Ак., Solom'yanskiy (8213-031) |

The photo apartments 8213-031

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