For sale hotel/resort (6368-334)

15 room, 380 / 380 / 0 m2, 256 hundreds sq. m.
14 572 409 грн. per object / 38 348 грн. per m2

Prodayotsya zdanie ploschadyu 380 kv.m na poluostrove Kassandra. Tryohetazhnoe zdanie sostoit iz shesti nezavisimyh kvartir. Na tsokolnom etazhe raspolozheny tri kvartiry ploschadyu 32, 40 i 55 kv.m. Vtoroy etazh zanimayut dve kvartiry ploschadyu 70 i 65 kv.m. Na tretem etazhe nahoditsya kvartira ploschadyu 120 kv.m. Vse kvartiry meblirovany, v nih ustanovleny konditsionery i solnechnye batarei dlya nagreva voda, a takzhe, est dizelnoe otoplenie.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Object profile: hotel/resort, area square: 256.

Total views: 31

For sale hotel/resort - Kassandra (6368-334) |

The photo uninhabited real estate 6368-334

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