Lease home (4997-656)

Jurmala, Rigas Rajons, Latvia
Rīgas iela 32
4 room, 70 m2 (total)
44 609 грн. per month

Hozyain sdayu otdelnyy chastnyy dom so vsemi udobstvami dlya letnego sezona. Raspolozhen v tihom, spokoynom spalnyy rayon, v 10 minutah hodby ot morya, v 2 minutah hodby ot reki. Dvor, gde raspolozhen otkrytyy kamin, a takzhe est stoyanka dlya avtomashin. Vnutrenniy dvorik s zonoy otdyha. Vorota mozhno zaperet. Wi-Fi i televidenie.

Est drugie predlozheniya, kotorye ne opublikovany v internete.

Nashi osnovnye uslugi:

- Konsaltingovye uslugi po nedvizhimosti, VNZh, vizam, nalogam i kapitalovlozheniyu;

- Yuridicheskoe soprovozhdenie pri pokupki nedvizhimosti, reprezentatsiya klienta v uchrezhdeniyah;

- Organizatsiya kreditovaniya v Evropeyskih bankah - 4,5% godovyh!! Do 70% ot stoimosti nedvizhimosti;

- Posleprodazhnoe obsluzhivanie (Sdacha nedvizhimosti v arendu + yuridicheskoe soprovozhdenie; Kontrol s emschikov; Organizatsiya rashodov na soderzhanie nedvizhimosti; Tehpodderzhka; Upravlenie nedvizhimosti);

- Konserzh uslugi - pomosch adaptatsii v Latvii;

- Predlozhenie investitsionnyh ob ektov ( ofisnye zdaniya, torgovye tsentry, zhilye doma, gostinitsy i t. d.) s pribylyu ot 8% v god.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Type of rent - monthly, total floor area - 70 sq.m., est parking. The cost is one thousand five hundredeuros. The property is situated: Rīgas iela 32, Jurmala, Rigas Rajons, Latvia. This ad posted by broker and uploaded by automatically using the XML-import service. Personal ad on rent homes posted 1428 days ago. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.

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Lease home - Rīgas iela 32, Jurmala (4997-656) |

The photo homes 4997-656

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