For sale: land (10650-056)

20 hundreds sq. m.
132 000 грн. per land / 6 600 грн. per hundred sq. m.

Zemelna dilyanka pid budivnitstvo i obslugovuvannya zhitlovogo budinku, gospodarskih budivel i sporud, kadastroviy nomer: 3220282003:06:024:0013 ploscheyu 0,2060 ga rozmirom 26.78 metriv na 78.50 metriv, scho roztashovana za adresoyu: Kiyivska obl., Brovarskiy rayon, s. Hlopkiv, vul. Shevchenko 6, persha liniya vid lisu, i 5 km vid tsentru smt. Barishivka

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Purpose of area - residential development land and commercial use, area square - 20, , gas - 10 m, pond - 500 m, forest - present. Distance from city: pyat, location: land area in a village. Front-area, road from highway - asfalt, number of buildings - no. Smooth area, beautiful spot. Type of soil: black earth, type of ownership: private (individual entity), legal documents: deed of gift. The cost is five thousanddollars. Information about the region of the property: str., Hlopkiv village, Barishivskiy rayon, Kiyivska oblast. Ad Added by the owner land. Personal ad on sell land published 6 days ago. Please report that found the object on the real estate portal Dom2000 when calling the ad. Thank you in advance.

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For sale:  land - Hlopkiv village (10650-056) |

The photo land 10650-056

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