Lease shop (10645-564)

Kazan city, респ. Tatarstan, Russia
ulitsa Riharda Zorge, 100
1/10, 125 m2 (total)
63 508 грн. per month per object / 508 грн. per m2

Sdaetsya pomeschenie 1 etazh ploschad 124,7 kv.m.ul Riharda Zorge d.100 k 1 .

V Pomeschenie:


— Otoplenie

-Moschnost 17 kVt

-Vysota potolki 3,2 m,

— Sanuzel.mokraya tochka

— Otdelnyy vhod

-Mesto pod vyvesku est

— Kabinetnaya narezka

( imeetsya vozmozhnost sdelat otkrytuyu planirovku)

— Nahoditsya ryadom metro «Dubravnaya»

— Dostup 24/7;

— Podhodit pod ofis, torgovlya , remont tehniki,punkt vydachi, detskiy tsentr, igrovoy klub, salon byuti tsentr

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: pervyy, type of rent: monthly. Internet prisutstvuet, ceiling height - 3.2 m. The cost is one hundred fifty-five thousandrubles. Information about the region of the property: ulitsa Riharda Zorge, 100, Kazan city, resp. Tatarstan, Russia. Information on this project has been posted by mediator and uploaded by automatically using the XML-import service. Personal ad on rent shop added Today 2024-06-02. Please report that found the object on the real estate portal Dom2000 when calling the ad. Thank you in advance.

Raya  +79375****** show
Lease shop - улица Рихарда Зорге, 100, Kazan city (10645-564) |

The photo shop 10645-564

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