For sale: 2-room apartment (10644-409)

Osokorki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Dniprovska nab., 15d
2 room, 19/26, 75.6 / 26.4 / 20.3 m2
2 851 200 грн. per object / 37 726 грн. per m2

Vashiy uvazi proponuyetsya kvartira v novomu ta suchasnomu ZhK “GREAT” na berezi Dnipra. 2-kimnatna kvartira, z vidom na Dnipro. Zdano v ekspluatatsiyu! Rozvinena infrastruktura, zruchne transportne spoluchennya. Chudoviy variant yak dlya zhittyaYu tak i dlya orendnogo biznesu. Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,Spetsproekt 2021-2025 rr

Kod ob'yektu: R-62610

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 19-yy, type of the building - secondary market. Total floor area - 75.6 sq.m., living floor area - 26.4 sq.m., kitchen - 20.3 sq.m., type of the building - spetsproekt, wall material - brick. Ceiling type - reinforced-concrete,. The cost is one hundred eight thousanddollars. Information about the region of the property: Dniprovska nab. 15d, Osokorki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city. This ad posted by realtor and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on sell apartments published Today 2024-06-19. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.

Real Estate Agency «Blagovest (Blagovist)», Faranyuk Andriy Anatoliyovich  +38 044 ********** show
For sale:  2-room apartment - Дніпровська наб., 15д, Osokorki (10644-409) |

The photo apartments 10644-409

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