Lease shop (10636-516)

1/5, 45 m2 (total)
21 716 грн. per month per object / 483 грн. per m2

Sdaetsya ofis v tsentre goroda s mebelyu, ploschadyu 45 m², po adresu — ul. Novorossiyskaya, d.38, 1 etazh.

Kommunalnye uslugi uzhe vklyucheny v stoimost!

Pomeschenie nahoditsya v tsentralnom chasti goroda , raspolozheno na pervom etazhe zhilogo doma. Vhodnaya gruppa s vnutrenney storony dvora.

Ofis sostoitsya iz dvuh kabinetov, oborudovannoy kuhni, sanuzla.

Est konditsioner, videodomofon, internet, boyler, teplye poly.

Sdaetsya s mebelyu! Rasschitano na 5 rabochih mest.

Kommunalnye uslugi uzhe vklyucheny v stoimost!

Ryadom nahoditsya ostanovka obschestvennogo transporta.

Bez komissii dlya arendatora.

Organizuem pokaz v udobnoe dlya vas vremya.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: pervyy, type of rent: monthly, ceiling height: 3.3 m. Price information: fifty-three thousandrubles. Location of object Novorossiyskaya ulitsa, 38 str., s. Sevastopol, r-n. Hvastovichskiy, obl. Kaluzhskaya, Russia. This advertisement was published by broker and uploaded by automatically using the XML-import service. Personal ad on rent shop published Today 2024-06-02. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.

Svetlana  +79782****** show
Lease shop - Новороссийская улица, 38 str., с. Sevastopol (10636-516) |

The photo shop 10636-516

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