Lease shop (10582-743)

Kazan city, респ. Tatarstan, Russia
ulitsa Mislavskogo
2/5, 100 m2 (total)
102 432 грн. per month per object / 1 024 грн. per m2

Sdam gotovyy arendnyy biznes v gostinitse v tsentre goroda, v starinnom elitnom otele.Tolko stabilnym restoratoram, imeyuschim v gorode kafe(restoran). v stoimost vklyuchena-arendam pomescheniya, arenda oborudovaniya i mebeli, vsego neobhodimogo dlya vedeniya biznesa. v otele 6 nomerov, zapolnyaemost 80%, imeetsya potrebnost kormleniya zavtrakami

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: vtoroy, type of rent: monthly, number of telephone lines: odin, internet , ceiling height: 5 m. Price information: two hundred fifty thousandrubles. The property is situated: ulitsa Mislavskogo, Kazan city, resp. Tatarstan, Russia. This ad posted by mediator and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on rent shop posted 12 days ago. Please mention Dom2000 site while referring to this ad. Thanks!

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Lease shop - улица Миславского, Kazan city (10582-743) |

The photo shop 10582-743

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