For sale: 2-room apartment in the new building (10562-950)

Moscow city, Russia
Yuzhnyy administrativnyy okrug
2 room, 4/14, 75 / 43 / 21 m2
9 820 804 грн. per object / 130 944 грн. per m2

Nomer lota: 3616865, Kvartira s funktsionalnoy planirovkoy s prostornoy kuhney, v stroyaschemsya dome, srok sdachi: 2 kv. 2023.


V desyati minutah hodby ot stantsii MTsK ZIL i v dvadtsati ot metro Avtozavodskaya.

Do TTK menee kilometra, do Kremlya okolo 5 km.

Na metro do samogo tsentra (Teatralnaya) tri ostanovki, mozhno dobratsya za desyat minut.

V ZILARTe mnogogrannaya infrastruktura, parki i naberezhnaya dlya progulok. Est obrazovatelnyy tsentr na 2500 mest chetyrehetazhnyy detskiy tehnopark Kvantorium, razdelennyy na tematicheskie bloki. V nem lektsionnye auditorii, sportivnye zaly, lingvisticheskiy kabinet, stolovye i bolshoy zritelnyy zal so stsenoy.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - chetvertyy, type of the building - new building, total floor area - 75 sq.m., living floor area - 43 sq.m., kitchen - 21 sq.m. Rooms arrangement - separate, ceiling height - 3 m. Technical condition - western-style renovation. Price information: twenty-three million nine hundred sixty-nine thousandrubles. Location of object Yuzhnyy administrativnyy okrug, Moscow city, Russia. This advertisement was published by realtor and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on sell apartments posted Today 2024-05-01. When you call for this announcement, please indicate that you have read an ad on the site Dom2000. Thank in advance!

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For sale:  2-room apartment in the new building - Южный административный округ, Moscow city (10562-950) |

The photo apartments 10562-950

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