Paid placement of companies

HOT companies - placed on top positions in the business directory

User designates the amount he/she is willing to pay for each company per day.
The greater the assigned amount compared to other companies, the higher it will appear in the list.
Charges made evenly throughout the day with an interval of charging 30 minutes.
The minimum cost for a hot ad: 5.00 UAH per day
For premium: 15.00 UAH per day.
If there is already an order for the minimal cost, then the lowest possible amount of the order will be hight than the minimum by 1.50 UAH for premium and 0.50 UAH for hot ad, etc.

HOT companies work 5-7 times better by the number of calls.
To order this arrangement, it is necessary to charge your account.
This can be done in one of several ways: through any self-service terminal, with a Webmoney purse, Bank Transfer or through SMS.

По вопросам платного размещения Вы также можете связаться с администратором сайта:
через контакт-форму либо по телефону: +380 44 383-7741
