Dom2000 is an independent social portal for real estate in Kiev and Ukraine. The project was founded in 2006 and since then is a recognized resource in the Ukrainian real estate market.Having passed the way from the usual message boards on the sale of apartments in Kiev to full international real estate portal generalist, Dom2000 has helped thousands of individuals and companies in matters related to by purchasing apartments and other types of real estate. Today, the mission of the project Dom2000 is defined as the improvement of the transparency and professionalism of the real estate market in Kiev and Ukraine using modern technology, in particular, the principle of creation and ranking of content visitors to the site, the so-called Web 3.0.

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Real Estate Kyiv

Ad list 1-20 from 42924
For sale: 2-room apartment
Pechersk, Pecherskiy, Kyiv city
Raevskogo str., 34
2 room, 5/5, 60 / 40 / 10 m2
2 243 974 грн. per object / 37 400 грн. per m2

Floor: pyatyy, type of the building: secondary market. Total floor area: 60 sq.m., living floor area: 40 sq.m., kitchen: 10 sq.m. The cost is eighty-four thousand nine hundred ninety-ninedollars....

Vladislav  093 89********** show
Lease 1-room apartment
Svyatoshin, Svyatoshinskiy, Kyiv city
Verhovinna str., 6  
1 room, 3/3, 46 / 20 / 7 m2
650 грн. per day per object / 14 грн. per m2

Lease 1-room apartment - Верховинна str., 6, Svyatoshin (10418-920) |

Podobova ta pogodinna orenda 1k appartamenti poruch z metro Svyatoshino na vul.Verhovinna, dlya gostey, scho ne kuryat. U kvartiri ye vsi neobhidni mebli, pobutova tehnika, zaskleniy balkon, tihi...

Inna  067 28********** show
Lease 1-room apartment
Svyatoshin, Svyatoshinskiy, Kyiv city
Prospekt Pobedy str., 103  
1 room, 3/4, 30 / 20 / 5 m2
650 грн. per day per object / 22 грн. per m2

Lease 1-room apartment - Проспект Победы str., 103, Svyatoshin (10215-594) |

Podobova ta pogodinna orenda 1k appartamenti poruch z metro Svyatoshino na pr.Beresteyskiy (pr.Peremogi) dlya gostey, scho ne kuryat. U kvartiri ye vsi neobhidni mebli, pobutova tehnika, zaskleniy ...

Inna  067 28********** show
For sale: 1-room apartment
Troyeschina, Desnyanskiy, Kyiv city
Mayakovskogo Volodimira prospekt str., 40  
1 room, 3/16, 45 / 18 / 8 m2
1 082 400 грн. per object / 24 053 грн. per m2

For sale:  1-room apartment - Маяковського Володимира проспект str., 40, Troyeschina (10683-669) |

BEZ KOMISIYi! ! Proponuyetsya do prodazhu prostora odnokimnatna kvartira bilya Sport Life. Zagalna ploscha kvartiri stanovit 44, 5 m, scho dozvolyaye realizuvati bud-yaki dizaynerski rishennya. U kva...

PR real estate  067 61***** show
For sale: 1-room apartment
Stara Darnitsya, Dniprovskiy, Kyiv city
Harkivske shose, 19B  
1 room, 17/26, 53 / 12 / 25 m2
1 581 360 грн. per object / 29 837 грн. per m2

For sale:  1-room apartment - Харківське шосе, 19Б, Stara Darnitsya (10683-668) |

Bez komisiyi dlya pokuptsya! !! Bez %. U zvyazku z pereyizdom, terminoviy prodazh! Do vashoyi uvagi proponuyetsya chudova, velika, duzhe zatishna kvartira. U kvartiri vikonano dizaynerskiy remont, ...

PR real estate  067 61***** show
For sale: 2-room apartment
Shevchenkivskiy (tsentr), Shevchenkivskiy, Kyiv city
Vladimirskaya ul., 82A  
2 room, 3/4, 64 / 35 / 8 m2
3 168 000 грн. per object / 49 500 грн. per m2

For sale:  2-room apartment - Владимирская ул., 82А, Shevchenkivskiy (tsentr) (10683-665) |

Proponuyetsya dlya prodazhu dvokimnatna kvartira v seredmisti Kiyeva po vul. Volodimirskiy, 82A. "Tsarskiy" budinok 1905r pobudovi. Kvartira roztashovana na 3-mu poversi 4-poverhovogo budinku. Zagaln...

Anna  050 35***** show
For sale: 3-room apartment
Vinogradar, Podilskiy, Kyiv city
Georgiya Gongadze prosp.  
3 room, 8/12, 70 / 43.4 / 8.5 m2
1 900 800 грн. per object / 27 154 грн. per m2

For sale:  3-room apartment - Георгия Гонгадзе просп., Vinogradar (10683-663) |

Prodazha 3h komnatnoy na Vinogradare prosp.Georgiya Gongadze (Retrovil) 8/12 etazhnogo doma, komnaty razdelnye, san.uzel razdelnyy, gazovaya plita. V kvartre kosmeticheskiy remont, okna plastik...

Elena  096 72***** show
For sale: 2-room apartment
Golosiyivo, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city
Mihaila Maksimovicha ul., 3d  
2 room, 6/25, 70.6 / 35 / 15 m2
3 168 000 грн. per object / 44 873 грн. per m2

For sale:  2-room apartment - Михаила Максимовича ул., 3д, Golosiyivo (10683-648) |

Prodaetsya dvuhkomnatnaya kvartira v ZhK "4 Sezona" po adresu Maksimovicha, 3g. Kvartira nahoditsya na 6 etazhe 25-etazhnogo doma, kotoryy byl sdan v ekspluatatsiyu v 2017 godu. Podhodit dlya ipote...

Roman  050 02***** show
For sale: 2-room apartment
Vinogradar, Podilskiy, Kyiv city
Oleksandra Olesya vulitsya str., 5  
2 room, 13/16, 69 / 30 / 21 m2
3 432 000 грн. per object / 49 739 грн. per m2

For sale:  2-room apartment - Олександра Олеся вулиця str., 5, Vinogradar (10683-094) |

Bez komisiyi dlya pokuptsya! !! Bez %. Lishe sogodni, i tilki dlya Vas! Proponuyetsya, NOVA, chudova kvartira! Remont za dizaynerskim proektom! Duzhe funktsionalne planuvannya (dvi izolovani spalni...

PR real estate  067 61***** show
For sale: 2-room apartment
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Prichalna vulitsya str., 14  
2 room, 22/26, 83 / 31 / 20 m2
2 508 000 грн. per object / 30 217 грн. per m2

For sale:  2-room apartment - Причальна вулиця str., 14, Poznyaki (10682-355) |

Bez komisiyi. Do vashoyi uvagi proponuyetsya dvokimnatna kvartira v sertsi suchasnogo zhitlovogo kompleksu Great! Pravo vlasnosti na rukah. ZhK Komfort Klasu Kvartira roztashovana u 2-mu budinku na 22...

PR real estate  067 61***** show
Lease 1-room apartment
Teremki-2, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city
Akademika Vilyamsa ul., 6V  
1 room, 3/5, 39 / 30 / 7 m2
20 000 грн. per month per object / 513 грн. per m2

Lease 1-room apartment - Академика Вильямса ул., 6В, Teremki-2 (10681-923) |

VLADELETs! Bez komissii. Svobodna. Novaya kvartira v novom dome na 3-m etazhe. Goloseevskiy rayon Kieva ul. Akademika Vilyamsa, 6v. Dom nahoditsya v 10-15 minutah peshkom ot stantsii metro VDNH, mar...

Inga  093 09***** show
Lease 1-room apartment
Lisoviy, Desnyanskiy, Kyiv city
Akademika Kurchatova ul., 17  
1 room, 4/5, 32 / 18 / 7 m2
8 000 грн. per month per object / 250 грн. per m2


Zdam odnokimnatnu kvartiru, u kvartiri dva roki tomu bulo zrobleno kosmetichniy remont. Pominyana santehnika ta gazova plita . U kvartiri ye vsi neobhidni mebli. Sanvuzol sumischeniy, pralna mashink...

Yuliya  068 36***** show
Lease 3-room apartment in the new building
Harkivskiy, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Oleni Pchilki, 8  
3 room, 4/25, 100 / 57 / 14 m2
15 840 грн. per month per object / 158 грн. per m2

Lease 3-room apartment in the new building - Олени Пчілки, 8, Harkivskiy (10675-008) |

Zdayetsya v orendu prostora 3k kvartira v novomu tseglyanomu budinku 2015 roku (pobudovaniy za monolitno-karkasnoyu tehnologiyeyu, utepleniy zovnishno) za adresoyu vulitsya O.Pchilki, 8 ( Poznyaki, Da...

Natasha  067 23***** show
Lease 3-room apartment
Livoberezhniy, Dniprovskiy, Kyiv city
Borisa Martosa (byv.Plehanova), 4a  
3 room, 2/9, 62 / 41 / 7 m2
18 000 грн. per day per object / 290 грн. per m2

Lease 3-room apartment - Бориса Мартоса (быв.Плеханова), 4а, Livoberezhniy (10656-518) |

Kiev. Posutochno. Hozyain bez posrednikov. Sdam uyutnuyu 3-komnatnuyu kvartiru v udobnom i zhivopisnom meste, ul. Plehanova 4. So dvora est vyhod k naberezhnoy kanala i mostu na Rusanovku, parkovka,...

Oksana  063 10***** show
Lease 4-room apartment
Pecherskiy (tsentr), Pecherskiy, Kyiv city
bulvar Lesi Ukrayinki, str., 9  
4 room, 4/10, 90 / 65 / 9 m2
1 500 грн. per day per object / 17 грн. per m2

Lease 4-room apartment - бульвар Лесі Українки, str., 9, Pecherskiy (tsentr) (10656-509) |

Sdayu posutochno, vozmozhno i na bolee dlitelnoe vremya otlichnuyu 4komnatnuyu kvartiru na bul. L. Ukrainki 9. Dom s zakrytym na shlagbaumy dvorom, nahoditsya vblizi ot stantsiy Metro Pecherskaya i...

Oksana  063 10***** show
Lease 3-room apartment
Voskresenka, Dniprovskiy, Kyiv city
Voskresenskaya ul., 10a  
3 room, 23/25, 95 / 45 / 28 m2
22 000 грн. per month per object / 232 грн. per m2

Lease 3-room apartment - Воскресенская ул., 10а, Voskresenka (10683-658) |

Zdam trikimnatnu kvartiru. SVITLO 24/7 Voskresenska 10 a.v Zhk Perovskiy. U kvartiri zrobleno dizaynerskiy remont iz dorogih materialiv. Invertor , batareya na 10 kVt , Kvartira budet zapitana poln...

Yuliya  068 36***** show
For sale: 1-room apartment
Zhulyani, Solom'yanskiy, Kyiv city
Koloskovaya ul.  
1 room, 4/5, 42 / 17 / 12 m2
1 188 000 грн. per object / 28 286 грн. per m2

For sale:  1-room apartment - Колосковая ул., Zhulyani (10683-657) |

Prodaetsya 1-komnatnaya kvartira v zhilom komplekse "Mandarin", Goloseevskiy rayon. Kvartira raspolozhena v udobnom rayone, ryadom s ZhK "Likograd" i novym chastnym sektorom v Zhulyanah. V peshey do...

Roman  050 02***** show
Lease 2-room apartment
Demiyivka, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city
Lobanovskogo prosp., 144  
2 room, 14/26, 72 / 45 / 19 m2
28 000 грн. per month per object / 389 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment - Лобановского просп., 144, Demiyivka (10681-924) |

Arenda ot hozyaina, bez komissii. ZhK Bristol. Prospekt Valeriya Lobanovskogo 144. Bolshaya dvuhkomnatnaya kvartira 72 kv.m. Do metro Demievskaya 8 minut peshkom. Planirovka: kuhnya-gostinnaya 19 kv....

Inga  093 09***** show
For sale: land
Osokorki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city  
12 hundreds sq. m.
2 112 000 грн. per land / 176 000 грн. per hundred sq. m.

For sale:  land - Osokorki (10670-046) |

Soborna 21, Osokorki. Garniy budinok Szag.=252.m. 252/178/17 ( ye pravo vlasnosti ) u zatishnomu mistsi, stan – pislya budivelnikiv, ploscha dilyanki 12sot z plodovimi derevami, kadastroviy no...

Aleksandr  38 098 ********** show
For sale: home
Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Soborna str., 21  
7 room, 252 m2 (total), 12 hundreds sq. m.
2 112 000 грн.

For sale:  home - Соборна str., 21, Darnitskiy (10670-045) |

Soborna 21, Osokorki. Garniy budinok Szag.=252.m. 252/178/17 ( ye pravo vlasnosti ) u zatishnomu mistsi, stan – pislya budivelnikiv, ploscha dilyanki 12sot z plodovimi derevami, kadastroviy no...

Aleksandr  38 098 ********** show
