For sale: 3-room apartment in the new building (10645-884)

3 room, 14/15, 84 / 50.6 / 12.3 m2
6 842 481 грн. per object / 81 458 грн. per m2

Prodaetsya dvuhurovnevyy penthaus v ZhK «Rimskiy», sektsiya 5.

Ploschad po dokumentam. Dva polnotsennyh etazha: 14-15.

Kolichestvo i ploschadi komnat:

— zhilaya komnata №1 (kv.m.) 18

— zhilaya komnata №2 (kv.m.) 15,8

— zhilaya komnata №3 (kv.m.) 16,8

Pomescheniya vspomogatelnogo ispolzovaniya:

— prihozhaya №1 (kv.m) 6,7

— prihozhaya №2 (kv.m) 5,3

— kuhnya (kv.m.) 12,3

— sanuzel sovmeschennyy №1 (kv.m.) 3,5

— sanuzel sovmeschennyy №2 (kv.m.) 3,5

— lodzhiya (s koeffitsientom) (kv.m.) 2,1

Vozmozhna semeynaya ipoteka. Pereustupka!

Po vsem voprosam zvonite

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 14-yy, type of the building - new building, total floor area - 84 sq.m. Living floor area - 50.6 sq.m., kitchen - 12.3 sq.m. Rooms arrangement : separate. The cost is sixteen million seven hundred thousandrubles. The property is situated: 7 str., p. Razvilka, r-n. Leninskiy, obl. Moskovskaya, Russia. Information on this project has been posted by broker and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on sell apartments posted 83 days ago.

Total views: 4

Anton Kremnev  +79151****** show
For sale:  3-room apartment in the new building - 7 str., п. Razvilka (10645-884) |

The photo apartments 10645-884

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