Sale uninhabited real estate in Pecherskiy, Kyiv city: object profile Non-Residential Premises, exclusive yes, facade to the street

Found 1 ads

For sale non-residential premises
Pecherskiy (tsentr), Pecherskiy, Kyiv city
Omel'yanovicha-Pavlenka str., 14/12  
6 room, 522 m2
12 408 000 грн. per object / 23 770 грн. per m2

For sale non-residential premises - Омел'яновича-Павленка str., 14/12, Pecherskiy (tsentr) (10530-959) |

Prodazh torgivelnogo primischennya na Pechersku. St.m Arsenalna - 10 hv. pishoyi dostupnosti. vul. Mihayla Omel'yanovicha-Pavlenka 14/12 (kolish. vul. Suvorova) Horoshiy pishohidniy trafik ! Poruch su...

Real Estate Agency «AKM», Gennadiy  093 44***** show
