Rent apartments in Kiyivska oblast: type of the building new building, tv branded, wc 2, condition of main entrance excellent

Found 1 ads

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building
Borispil city, Kiyivska oblast
Babkina str., 6  
2 room, 5/9, 102 / 40 / 15 m2
800 грн. per day per object / 8 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment in the new building - Бабкина str., 6, Borispil city (8602-347) |

Dobro pozhalovat v uyutnuyu kvartiru v g.Borispol po ulitse Babkina, raspolozhennuyu v neposredstvennoy blizosti ot Mezhdunarodnogo aeroporta «Borispol». V dannoy kvartire Vy smozhete pogostit so vse...

Oksana  +38 063 ********** show
