Sale apartments in Ukraine: three-room, type of the building new building, wc combined, storeroom present, intercom present

Found 1 ads

For sale: 3-room apartment in the new building
kyivskyi, Harkiv city, Harkivska oblast
Krichevskogo str., 30  
3 room, 7/7, 80 / 40 / 32 m2
1 742 400 грн. per object / 21 780 грн. per m2

For sale:  3-room apartment in the new building - Кричевского str., 30, kyivskyi (7568-070) |

Prodam 3-h komnatnuyu kvartiru ploschadyu 80m2 v obzhitom novostroe na Severnoy Saltovke v ekologicheski chistom, tihom, zastroenom sploshnymi novostroykami rayone - MZhK Internatsionalist. Kvartira...

Real Estate Agency «SALTIVSKE»  067 35********** show
